Our kind MRT providers have recently launched a new campaign that hopes to encourage the public to take public transport rather than drive automobiles.

I think its a fantastic idea. Saving Gaia. We are all responsible for its destruction, the least we can do is to reduce the inevitable. Personally, 80% of my transport involves the public train. But with prices soaring, is taking the train an economical solution? We definitely agree that it is an environmental solution. But the profit-making strategists have been hard at work and have successfully made riding the train almost equivalent to riding a super-lousy but moveable motorcycle. And they are not stopping there. We live on such a tiny island. Is there really a need for competition between our 2 train service providers? We can understand the need to competition between bus or cab companies to improve service. But with only 2 train service providers, does the competition justify the price hike? Did service improve? Afterall, our train services are more like 95% self-service. The remaining 5% belonging to 1st time travellers or people who are genuinely lost. By making us pay more, how much of Gaia are we really saving? Look deeper into the darker corners of life and you may just realise you're not really saving anything at all.
Too bad for me. I get bus-sick so I have to suck it up and continue with trains. Don't get me started on bus companies. Sometimes taking the train is cheaper than taking the bus, although it is obviously cheaper to run a bus and more comfortable to ride a train. Maybe we should start biking around the reallt save Gaia. Again, too bad our motorists think bikes are false-wheels who patronise the road meant for real-wheels.
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