Following up on my rant on our train service. I wanna share with you 3 encounters I had on our trains. What's up Singapore? Seriously, what the?
Encounter 1
I was coming home from a game of basketball and was still in my gear as I was too lazy to bathe or change. As you know, basketball attire is kind of airy with large gaping holes for sleeves. So as I was standing in the crowded train, I felt something like a hand feeling my back. I thought I was standing too close to someone and they just defending their space. But then, I felt the hand move. I turned around but found no one suspicious enough to shout at. What's up Singapore?
Encounter 2
I had gotten on the train and found a seat. The standard singaporean behavious was to blast on the mp3 and pretend to sleep. I wasn't sleeping though. Anyway, the train stopped and passengers got on. This malay uncle, who looks old and is fat, walked in and towards my direction. I was intending to do the kind thing and give up my seat after I had selected my playlist and put my mp3 player in my bag. Hey, guess what? Before I could get up, he turned his fat ass and started to seat down. I felt his heavy ass on my thighs and had no choice but push him up before relenting my seat. What's up Singapore?
Encounter 3
I was transferring trains from one line to another. Basically, all you need to do is walk across the platform. The standard Singaporean method of transferring trains is to run across the platform as if your life depended on getting on that particular train. I normally make it just in time before the door closes. Anyway, I was getting to my train and the door was closing. The entrance is crowded as usualy because people in the centre of the carriage normally have smelly armpits or fat asses as they seem to have a perimeter built around them. Just before I stepped into the carriage, this indian man, possibly a foreign worker due to his dressing, overtook me and literally used 2 hands to push me out of the train so he could squeeze onto the remaining 10cm by 10cm space left. The door closed and the train left. I was still on the platform. What's up Singapore?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Go Green with ?
Our kind MRT providers have recently launched a new campaign that hopes to encourage the public to take public transport rather than drive automobiles.
I think its a fantastic idea. Saving Gaia. We are all responsible for its destruction, the least we can do is to reduce the inevitable. Personally, 80% of my transport involves the public train. But with prices soaring, is taking the train an economical solution? We definitely agree that it is an environmental solution. But the profit-making strategists have been hard at work and have successfully made riding the train almost equivalent to riding a super-lousy but moveable motorcycle. And they are not stopping there. We live on such a tiny island. Is there really a need for competition between our 2 train service providers? We can understand the need to competition between bus or cab companies to improve service. But with only 2 train service providers, does the competition justify the price hike? Did service improve? Afterall, our train services are more like 95% self-service. The remaining 5% belonging to 1st time travellers or people who are genuinely lost. By making us pay more, how much of Gaia are we really saving? Look deeper into the darker corners of life and you may just realise you're not really saving anything at all.
Too bad for me. I get bus-sick so I have to suck it up and continue with trains. Don't get me started on bus companies. Sometimes taking the train is cheaper than taking the bus, although it is obviously cheaper to run a bus and more comfortable to ride a train. Maybe we should start biking around the reallt save Gaia. Again, too bad our motorists think bikes are false-wheels who patronise the road meant for real-wheels.

Too bad for me. I get bus-sick so I have to suck it up and continue with trains. Don't get me started on bus companies. Sometimes taking the train is cheaper than taking the bus, although it is obviously cheaper to run a bus and more comfortable to ride a train. Maybe we should start biking around the reallt save Gaia. Again, too bad our motorists think bikes are false-wheels who patronise the road meant for real-wheels.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
the tables have turned

The revelation of Euro 08 was that Turkey, a team of relatively weaker players were suddenly winning matches against mightier opponents such as Croatia and the Czech Republic. These were teams brimming with stars from the major european leagues. However, it was the sheer will of the courageous turks who won in the end. Everytime, they scored with virtually the last kick of the game. How is it possible? Hard work seems to be the key to their success. Kudos to Turkey. There is no other country who can possibly come back from the brink of death to snatch victory. No one can deny their high work rate. However, no one can also deny the element of luck. How much luck can one have?
Sadly, the tables have turned on Turkey. The once almighty last-gasp scorers were outdone by their own medicine. The illustrious and equally lucky Germans scored a last-gasp winner of their own. Although Turkey was playing virtually a reserve team, they never gave in and were perhaps the better team at the start making Lehmann work hard for his jersey. Alas, the dream ended cruelly when Lahm made a fantastic penetrative run into the heart of the Turkish defence and scored the winning goal to make up for his poor 1st half display. Now, the finals approach. Will the tables turn on the lucky again? Can the luckless change their fortunes?
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Best Album ever
Have you ever liked an album so much that you thought that it would be the best album ever and then a few months later you liked another? Have you seriously thought that it was the best album you ever loved? Did you like every single song in it? I mean, EVERY! Most of us love a certain album but not necessarily every single song in it. There's gotta be 1 or 2 or maybe more that we aren't so interested in. You love the songs the band plays but they can come from different albums. So, do you have an album which you absolutely love every single song?
I have one such album. The unbelieveable thing is that my dad bought it for me. He had totally no idea what sort of songs were on it. He just bought it and gave it to me. I seriously love every single song in it. It has been a 12 year love story and I still play it on my ipod. The whole album from front to back. I have to play it from track 1 to track 14. It has shaped my life totally. My choice of music is influenced by it.
I have one such album. The unbelieveable thing is that my dad bought it for me. He had totally no idea what sort of songs were on it. He just bought it and gave it to me. I seriously love every single song in it. It has been a 12 year love story and I still play it on my ipod. The whole album from front to back. I have to play it from track 1 to track 14. It has shaped my life totally. My choice of music is influenced by it.
- "Spiderwebs" (Gwen Stefani, Tony Kanal) – 4:28
- "Excuse me Mr." (G. Stefani, Tom Dumont) – 3:04
- "Just a Girl" (G. Stefani, Dumont) – 3:29
- "Happy Now?" (G. Stefani, Dumont, Kanal) – 3:43
- "Different People" (Eric Stefani, G. Stefani, Kanal) – 4:34
- "Hey You" (G. Stefani, Kanal) – 3:34
- "The Climb" (E. Stefani) – 6:37
- "Sixteen" (G. Stefani, Kanal) – 3:21
- "Sunday Morning" (Kanal, G. Stefani, E. Stefani) – 4:33
- "Don't Speak" (E. Stefani, G. Stefani) – 4:23
- "You Can Do It" (G. Stefani, E. Stefani, Dumont, Kanal) – 4:13
- "World Go 'Round" (Kanal, G. Stefani) – 4:09
- "End It on This" (G. Stefani, Dumont, Kanal, E. Stefani) – 3:45
- "Tragic Kingdom" (E. Stefani) – 5:31
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What is being resolute? Resolute comes from the word, resolve. Right? Well, defines it as simply firm or determined, unwavering. If you could split the word resolve up, you'd get re and solve. That means there must be a problem to be solved and you probably failed to solve it the 1st time, that is why you need to re-solve it. When you can re-solve the issue, you become unwavering when the next problem hits you. I don't believe in life has no problems or that we should avoid problems in life in order to be peaceful. Life has many problems and yeah, we should tackle it as it comes instead of just trying to drive round it. I'm not saying bang head on. That would be stupidity. Go try to solve it. If you fail, pick yourself up and try again. Try and try until you have re-solved the problem. Then you would have become resolute. Firmness in decision, determined never to give up solving the issue and unwavering when it comes to the next problem.
The Resolute Desk
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Down but not out and still not staying down
Depressive people need to wake up to the fact that if they shun away from others and reject help, they will only draw themselves deeper into the sick, sad, little world. I once was depressed to a state that nothing could possibly cheer me up. I was sick of being at the wrong end of things. Even now, I still feel I'm at the wrong end of things. But the difference is that I was snapped out of it. I used to think that I could just escape into my depression and if no one bothered me for a while I would get out of it. How wrong I was. I just became more and more depressed as I thought no one would care about me. I lost most of my friends and ended up all lonely. Depression really kicked up many notches when I felt alone. I'm sorry if some of you depressed people read about this and want to argue with the fact that I am not sympathetic to your cause. This worked for me and I hope it can work for some of you. Whenever I allowed myself to think that I would only get worse if I hung out with others, I really did become more depressed an pushed away some people who actually really cared for me. I lost some friends in the process and it only made matters worse. I have learnt my lessson. When I started to accept the fact that I was really wallowing in my own shit, then I realised my stupidity in rejecting help in the first place. Someone told me I should not be perpetually depressed. It woke me up and I never looked back. I now try my best to refrain from calling myself depressed.
What is the point of being depressed? We all know that it is an unavoidable situation. When shit happens, even to the best of us, we get sad. We feel rejected. Those are normal. Its when we start to think that our failure is a special case that we decided to buy the train ticket for the depressive train ride. The walk from the entrance of the train station to the ticket counter is the most crucial, cause once you're aboard the train, it's almost impossible to turn back. You would need to run past all the others who are trying to board the train and then you'd have to jump the counter. I believe in the choices we make. If I had continued to stay depressed for the extended periods I would not have seen some of the things I see now. I still become depressed nowadays, if not everyday. I'm still on the road to recovery. Every day, there is something to make me sad. People who don't agree, people who just want to fight it out with you, or just some rude person. If I had a timer, I would hope I can stop my sadness within the 1st 15 minutes. I'm realistic. 15 minutes is hopefully enough. I don't agree with the fact that we get out of the wrong side of the bed. That's just buying an advanced train ticket.
I'm sorry to those who don't agree. We all have different formulas for success. This is mine. I force myself to stay positive for extended periods because I'm simply too good at spotting the negativity in things. People call me a pessimist for not seeing the lighter side of things. But I believe I'm not yet an optimist but I definitely enjoy being the realist that I am. I seem the function better and stay happier longer. Until I find a better formula, this works for me but I'm not going to stay put on this set of rules. I will continually seek better formulas because life is too short to park my ass so early.
What is the point of being depressed? We all know that it is an unavoidable situation. When shit happens, even to the best of us, we get sad. We feel rejected. Those are normal. Its when we start to think that our failure is a special case that we decided to buy the train ticket for the depressive train ride. The walk from the entrance of the train station to the ticket counter is the most crucial, cause once you're aboard the train, it's almost impossible to turn back. You would need to run past all the others who are trying to board the train and then you'd have to jump the counter. I believe in the choices we make. If I had continued to stay depressed for the extended periods I would not have seen some of the things I see now. I still become depressed nowadays, if not everyday. I'm still on the road to recovery. Every day, there is something to make me sad. People who don't agree, people who just want to fight it out with you, or just some rude person. If I had a timer, I would hope I can stop my sadness within the 1st 15 minutes. I'm realistic. 15 minutes is hopefully enough. I don't agree with the fact that we get out of the wrong side of the bed. That's just buying an advanced train ticket.
I'm sorry to those who don't agree. We all have different formulas for success. This is mine. I force myself to stay positive for extended periods because I'm simply too good at spotting the negativity in things. People call me a pessimist for not seeing the lighter side of things. But I believe I'm not yet an optimist but I definitely enjoy being the realist that I am. I seem the function better and stay happier longer. Until I find a better formula, this works for me but I'm not going to stay put on this set of rules. I will continually seek better formulas because life is too short to park my ass so early.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Reflex-ology is the art being able to react to any situation in any circumstance. I admire the masters of reflex-ology. People like Jesus, who no matter what shit others throw at him including the devil himself, is yet able to turn the situation around into a valuable teaching point. Great formula drivers have fantastic reflexes but I feel the great masters are the WRC drivers. You see, they have to bother with so much more than just pure speed down the straights, or powering out of a corner. Those things do bother them. But it is the fact that they have those things on their mind while at the same time managing the transmission, while at the same time listening and deciphering the rapid orders given by their co-drivers, while at the same time driving on some of the most unforgiving roads ever. Whao. As much a mouthful as it is a mind-full. I wonder if I can ever be that good at what I do. To be able to turn every situation, no matter how shitty, into an advantageous position. I think even the great masters worry, but it is the fact that they remain calm in the situation that enables them to think of a solution even faster than we can say "oh shit!" The word shit to them is solely used for explaining defacation and not like how a lot of us use it to explain almost every scenario laid before us. I have some reflex-ology models before me. I hope I can be one too.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
2 basic rules amateur referees need to know properly
Here's a guide to amateur referees who do not understand the basic rules. This was taken from (
Please read and understand the 2 basic rules. Thank you.
A throw-in is a method of restarting play.
A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in.
A throw-in is awarded:
• when the whole of the ball passes over the touch line, either on
the ground or in the air
• from the point where it crossed the touch line
• to the opponents of the player who last touched the ball
At the moment of delivering the ball, the thrower:
• faces the field of play
• has part of each foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside the touch line
• uses both hands
• delivers the ball from behind and over his head
The thrower may not touch the ball again until it has touched another
All opponents must stand no less than 2 meters from the point at
which the throw-in is taken.
The ball is in play immediately after it enters the fi eld of play.

Throw-in taken by a player other than the goalkeeper
If, after the ball is in play, the thrower touches the ball a second time
(except with his hands) before it has touched another player:
• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to
be taken from the place where the infringement occurred
If, after the ball is in play, the thrower deliberately handles the ball
before it has touched another player:
• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be
taken from the place where the infringement occurred
• a penalty kick is awarded if the infringement occurred inside the
thrower’s penalty area
Throw-in taken by the goalkeeper
If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second
time (except with his hands), before it has touched another player:
• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to
be taken from the place where the infringement occurred
If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper deliberately handles the ball
before it has touched another player:
• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement
occurred outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, the kick to
be taken from the place where the infringement occurred
• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the
infringement occurred inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, the
kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred
If an opponent unfairly distracts or impedes the thrower:
• he is cautioned for unsporting behaviour and shown the yellow
For any other infringement of this Law:
• the throw-in is taken by a player of the opposing team
Offside Position
It is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position.
A player is in an offside position if:
• he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the
second last opponent
A player is not in an offside position if:
• he is in his own half of the field of play or
• he is level with the second last opponent or
• he is level with the last two opponents
A player in an offside position is only penalised if, at the moment the
ball touches or is played by one of his team, he is, in the opinion of
the referee, involved in active play by:
• interfering with play or
• interfering with an opponent or
• gaining an advantage by being in that position
No Offence
There is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from: • a goal kick or • a throw-in or • a corner kick
For any offside offence, the referee awards an indirect free kick to the
opposing team to be taken from the place where the infringement
Please read and understand the 2 basic rules. Thank you.
A throw-in is a method of restarting play.
A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in.
A throw-in is awarded:
• when the whole of the ball passes over the touch line, either on
the ground or in the air
• from the point where it crossed the touch line
• to the opponents of the player who last touched the ball
At the moment of delivering the ball, the thrower:
• faces the field of play
• has part of each foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside the touch line
• uses both hands
• delivers the ball from behind and over his head
The thrower may not touch the ball again until it has touched another
All opponents must stand no less than 2 meters from the point at
which the throw-in is taken.
The ball is in play immediately after it enters the fi eld of play.

Throw-in taken by a player other than the goalkeeper
If, after the ball is in play, the thrower touches the ball a second time
(except with his hands) before it has touched another player:
• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to
be taken from the place where the infringement occurred
If, after the ball is in play, the thrower deliberately handles the ball
before it has touched another player:
• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be
taken from the place where the infringement occurred
• a penalty kick is awarded if the infringement occurred inside the
thrower’s penalty area
Throw-in taken by the goalkeeper
If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second
time (except with his hands), before it has touched another player:
• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to
be taken from the place where the infringement occurred
If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper deliberately handles the ball
before it has touched another player:
• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement
occurred outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, the kick to
be taken from the place where the infringement occurred
• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the
infringement occurred inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, the
kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred
If an opponent unfairly distracts or impedes the thrower:
• he is cautioned for unsporting behaviour and shown the yellow
For any other infringement of this Law:
• the throw-in is taken by a player of the opposing team
Offside Position
It is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position.
A player is in an offside position if:
• he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the
second last opponent
A player is not in an offside position if:
• he is in his own half of the field of play or
• he is level with the second last opponent or
• he is level with the last two opponents
A player in an offside position is only penalised if, at the moment the
ball touches or is played by one of his team, he is, in the opinion of
the referee, involved in active play by:
• interfering with play or
• interfering with an opponent or
• gaining an advantage by being in that position
No Offence
There is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from: • a goal kick or • a throw-in or • a corner kick
For any offside offence, the referee awards an indirect free kick to the
opposing team to be taken from the place where the infringement
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The totally biased top 10 cars of my time
cars are placed in no order whatsoever. they are just iconic to me. all pictures were taken from the web. if anyone were to tell me to remove it cause you feel I shouldn't be placing your car here, feel free to inform me and I will remove. I respect this cars cause they shaped me.
The Mitsubishi FTO
Why did Mitsubishi built so few of these? Why? Why do they want to deprive me? why?

The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 7
If you noticed, the evo 7,8,9 look awfully similar in engine and shape. I'd go for the big brother of them all.

The Volkswagen Concept A
What a design. An off-roader with suicide doors. Too bad its a concept. The Tiguan just ain't the same.

The Volkswagen Golf TSI
Brilliant engine. 1.4l? Don't be fooled. The first time I heard the engine roar, I fell in love with it.

The Audi TT
Mr icon. I started the shape. Ms "white-lady" copied my shape but I don't care. Do I need to bother? haha..

The Aston Martin DB9 & The Maserati Coupe
These 2 look so nice. I dream my wedding car would be one of them instead of the usual merc or whatever. It doesn't matter. They can't beat these 2. Eat me alive.

The Nissan Silvia S15
Possibly the most beautiful drift car ever. Shake the ass.

The Ferrari F40 & The Ferrari F50
I grew up with models of the same 2 cars. Formula 1 technology in a street legal car. The F40 started it. The F50 just taught the rest how to make speed look beautiful.
The Mitsubishi FTO
Why did Mitsubishi built so few of these? Why? Why do they want to deprive me? why?

The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 7
If you noticed, the evo 7,8,9 look awfully similar in engine and shape. I'd go for the big brother of them all.

The Volkswagen Concept A
What a design. An off-roader with suicide doors. Too bad its a concept. The Tiguan just ain't the same.

The Volkswagen Golf TSI
Brilliant engine. 1.4l? Don't be fooled. The first time I heard the engine roar, I fell in love with it.

The Audi TT
Mr icon. I started the shape. Ms "white-lady" copied my shape but I don't care. Do I need to bother? haha..

The Aston Martin DB9 & The Maserati Coupe
These 2 look so nice. I dream my wedding car would be one of them instead of the usual merc or whatever. It doesn't matter. They can't beat these 2. Eat me alive.

The Nissan Silvia S15
Possibly the most beautiful drift car ever. Shake the ass.

The Ferrari F40 & The Ferrari F50
I grew up with models of the same 2 cars. Formula 1 technology in a street legal car. The F40 started it. The F50 just taught the rest how to make speed look beautiful.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
What is faith? Faith is like totally believing in something that has yet to occur. I guess the key word would be totally. No point believing part of it. That's not faith. There's still doubt. As long as doubt exists in thought, we cannot possibly expect to be fully faithful. I see faith as applicable to all things, religion, relationships, behaviour and even choices. The choices we make each and every time affects the next. I feel that its more like the choices we don't make that really affects our lives. Often, I have numerous opportunities to make a choice and tada... I made none. No wonder I'm bored out of my wits. I guess I need a little more faith to make the right choice. Faith in God, Faith in People, Faith in the food I eat, Faith in the things I say, Faith in myself. If I ain't got faith in even myself, what more am I to expect of others. Reflect on it, brother. Stop talking. Start listening to yourself. But never let your mind take control over your life. Cause when an idle mind starts taking over, the results just cannot be what it should be. I've been idling for too long. My mind is all confused about when to start and when to stop. In my own words, no wonder I can't run fast. My mind is too confused when to go and when to stop. It just goes on and on in its own circles, going nowhere. Just gotta have a little more faith.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
How can you see black behind black?
Think about this, when you look at a black car which has black tires, black rims and a dark disc brake, how is it that your eye can differentiate the inapparent contrasts to visualize each component differently. Our eyes and brain can be so wonderful as to be able to differentiate black on black, yet when it comes to seeing obviously wrong things, our brain shuts off for those few moments and fail to register the act as obviously wrong. I think the question should not be what is wrong or right but rather what we do about it. I don't seem to understand why myself and many others choose consistently to ignore the wrongs before us and enjoy in those few moments of pleasure before we wake up to the idea of our stupidity and choose the better option. Maybe one day when I see the black car with the black tires, rims and disc brake, I will be able to draw it accurately instead of just "dollop-ping" black on white. Where's what?

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