I was trained to be an officer. What does it take to be an officer you'd ask me? I do not suscribe to the belief that the officer must be the smartest person, the fittest person or even the bravest person? He cannot possibly be the EVERYTHING-EST person, otherwise he would be perfect. How many perfect people can we seriously find? He is the leader but if you expect him to make every single decision right, that would be a tad too much to ask. But one thing is for certain, you should be able to rely on him to make a decision.
I believe officers should be described in 2 words, Boringly Reliable. After all, they have to make important and not so important decisions all the time. And you can definitely rely on them to decide. They are boring because they can be so reliable that there should not be any surprises. Even if there was a sudden change of plans (which happens all the time), these guys are so reliable that they should reverse the situation until no one notices. Would you want an Excitingly Unpredictable leader? You never know when their next move will be.
So what is so bad about being Boringly Reliable? Why do people seek the unpredictable? Is it more exciting? Mor thrills when you cannot guess their next move? What is so bad about being sure that your guy brings back the dough and makes you happy cause you don't have to worry? Sometimes, we seek to worry because we find our lives too boring and monotonous. Everyday the same things. We take interest in the unpredictable because it catches us off guard and tests our reflexes. If everything goes smoothly, everyone is happy. But when something goes wrong, relief may not be so near. At the end of the day, even the most wild seek stability in their lives. But don't deprive yourself of some fun. Even the boringly reliable know how to have fun.