Tuesday, August 26, 2008

living for the moment

People always say live for the moment. When the moment arrives, joy will overflow. I agree. But to live solely for the moment, I find that a disastor waiting to happen. How can you live everyday waiting for some magical moment while doing absolutely nothing to improve your chances of that happening. Striking the lottery may be easier. At least you put effort into queueing up for the ticket. I do not understand how some people can be so stupid. Lazy or optimistic would be their preferred choice of description.

I believe in remembering the past, living for the future and waiting for the moment. Since I have been living by these 3 principles, I have experienced success to certain degrees. Yes it is true that when the moment arrives, the success you achieve will be beyond your wildest imagination.

Principle 1: Remember the past
I learn from my mistakes so I will not commit them again in the future. Whatever mistakes another does in the past, I will remember because no one can say they have forgotten. But I will try not to bring it up to affect my judgment of the present. It is simply not fair to judge a person solely based on their past. But this is an unfair world.

Principle 2: Live for the future
Don't just sit there and wait. Work for it. Create opportunities for the moment to appear. As a Christian, God saved us by grace but not so that we can go back to living in our evil past. We have salvation but we must show gratitude to be good examples of his followers. In the same way, we must create options for the pass, if not the goal will never come.

Principle 3: Wait for the moment
This principle I cannot explain because it is too simple.

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