Monday, August 25, 2008

Where have the originals gone?

Everyday as I take the train back, I can't help but people-watch. Yes, the art so many Singaporeans have perfected. Both eyes staring straight down into oblivion but at the same time curiously observing people so that their comments list can be lengthened.

At first glance, it would be easy to spot the originals from the crispys, or so you think. The crispys have since integrated themselves so much into our culture that some look down-right original. You can no longer judge the flavour by looking at the skin. You need to taste to know the flavour.

It is very simple once the chicken opens its skin. The flavour cannot be wrong. No matter how hard you cook it, crispys remain crispy and originals still shine through with their spices.

So where have all the originals gone to? We are now left with a nation eating crispys and no one to support the originals. Remember the spices. They are the ones who brought glory to the name. The crispys may have caused the franchise to go global but it is the original that gives us the name.

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