Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Technology has a life

Have not been able to put up much posts recently. Technology has gotten the better of man temporarily in my household. Many thoughts were lost in the process. Have been fighting a war to just get the guy to just stay on for a few minutes. In the end, reformatting it was the only option. At least now it can stay on for more than a few minutes.
The bugger is still in its terminal stages and can suffer a heart attack anytime. Its solo-core 2.8gHz can still outrun most notebooks but it can run forever. The sprinter tires out and with its poor heart, it creates an eerie sound coming from a blue or worse, black screen. It knows the new guys are fitter, not necessarily faster, but definitely better equiped to do the job. It wants to give in and die but the doctor keeps reviving it. It still cramps up every now and then. How long more will it run?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Remembering the foods that everyone forgets

I see on my table bread that has been left for a bit too long.
Often, we end up throwing away food that was actually really decent. Yes yes, people in 3rd world countries are suffering while we mindlessly waste food. But that is not my point of comment. We are always smarter hindsightedly. If nothing goes wrong, no one bothers with the details. Fine details that actually affect our futures. When I buy a loaf of bread, I tend to go for the large loaf for its value, believing I can actually find time to finish it. But I will forget to buy the spread. In other words, I end up not eating as much as I could because I was too lazy to bother to get the spread.

I think certain things are beginning to come back to me. I was once shamefully proud of being perpetually depressed as some may remember. I have since worked really hard to break out of that. It is still a work in progress as no one I believe can achieve perfect happiness all the time. We have our setbacks and we have to learn to deal with them. Anyway, now I have some people telling me they are perpetually depressed. That really rings a bell with me. I tell them my story and how I'm trying to break out of it. But it is not working, I think.

Today, I remember the foods I have since forgotten and how it has affected everyone. There is a consequence to everything. Be sure of what you are buying. Someone needs to eat it. Do not spoil their meal.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Reviving the Unrejuvenated

The past few months has been quite an electronic living hell.

Firstly, I played the PSP so much that when I held onto it, I realised I had sold my soul to it. Imagine knowing that the little black box controls your actions. Talk about addiction. Your thoughts and even dreams revolve around the games you play. I had no choice but to release the demon that was controlling me.

Then there was the world's lousiest phone. The phone which never rings when someone calls you and gives you miss calls half a day later. And the most irritating function, it cannot ring and vibrate. Even if it did vibrate, my nose hairs can twitch with better feeling. I didn't choose the phone, it was a spare. All the phones I bought for myself had to be sold for reasons I cannot discuss. Again, I did not have much choice but to get a new one. True, the battery is not as lasting. But it gets the job done.

I have passed my notebook to my sis and so now I'm stuck with the home desktop. It was built for my 21st, so its been around for 3 years plus. Quite a wonder some may say. On F1 day, you can hear it competing with Hamilton for who's got the loudest roar. I think the helicopter fly-past was more peaceful. And now, its running worse than ever. If ECGs gave a constant beep, the guy would be dead. My desktop gives you many beeps, telling you it wants to die but would prefer to torment you for a few more minutes. Writing this blog is the result of a successful operation of keeping the guy alive for a space of time.

I think I have reached a point where I do not want the cheapest, most value-packed things in life. I want reliability.